Humane Society Calendar

The purpose of this assignment was to create a wall calendar for the Humane Society to give away for their annual fundraising drive. Since they are a not-for-profit organization, they wanted to dedicate most of their finances to caring for animals. As you can see, I based these three months on the holidays. By doing that, I thought I would be able to give more visual appeal to the calendar. Also, I used some of the design principles that we learned in class (Alignment, Proximity, and Reptition) to make the calendar look more professional and organized. My design appeals to audiences' because it is visually striking. There is not too much going on in the design, but there is not too little either.

The Month of February

Can you feel the love in the air? As you all know, Valentine's Day is in the month of February. So, I decided to make the calendar red and bold so that it stands out from everything else. Also, I chose to make the month a crazy, cool font so that it would add a little more fun and creativeness to it. I aligned the coupons in one group, so the people viewing my calendar wouldn't be so confused about what was what. Also, for the graphics part of this calendar, I added hearts and cupid so that it would make the calendar pop. But, the interesting fun fact helped add a little pop to it as well. Also, I tried to find a picture of a cute, little animal that represents the holidays.

The Month of March

The holiday for the month of March, as we all know, is St. Patrick's Day. What other color to use besides green?! The layout for this calendar is exactly the same as February's. The only differences are the color, the graphics, and the fun fact. One thing I forgot to mention, and that was I tried to make the fun facts match up with the animal that is in the photo. By doing this, I thought that made it more professional and less confusing. But isn't our little lucky charm just adorable?!

The Month of April

Eggs, scavenger hunts, and kids dressing in their best outfits. You guessed right, Easter is the April holiday! For this month, I wanted to chose pastel colors to give it a more easter feel and look to it. Also, I felt that the picture of the bunnies represent Easter very well. As you can see, the layout is the same as the other months, but differ in the same ways as the month of March.